17. Just Go Home (Meta 5)
Update (4/25, 9:30 am): Correct PDF now posted - sorry about that!! PDF / PUZ Hello, puzzlers of the world! We're closing (not on a house, just on the month), which means it's meta time! 1. March recap: March answer: LITTLE WOMEN Correct entries: 20 Winners: BarbaraK and Matt - congrats!! I hope to have more literary metas in the future! I'm a big bookworm, although I hadn't read this one! It's almost universal knowledge that Beth, Meg, Amy, and Jo are the sisters in LITTLE WOMEN , this meta's answer. The bonus was that the surname of all four sisters is...March, fitting for the March meta! A special shout-out to C=64 , who also tested this month's meta and cracked that bonus!! He wins...the satisfaction of a job well done (gee, thanks). 2. Today's puzzle has a Level of 1.5 , maybe of 5. I'm hoping to have some redemption here for a previous meta and if you know, you know. The answer to the meta is a p...