128. Double Up
Hello hello! Now it's just 5 days until spring training! Finally!
Spring training has begun, so that means - in my eyes - it's the de facto end of winter! This is the last Winter Solvestice puzzle today, posted early to adjust for the MGWCC delay. I usually do every other week in March, but I will be planning for three March days on 3/8, 3/15, and 3/29 (mark your calendars, haha).
1. Puzzle #127 answer, delayed for right now!
2. We're finishing with a Level 4, but you might see what's going on. I'll be adding some nudges to Crosshare to take it down to a Level 3 or so in a few days.
Good luck, and may all your solves be beautiful! See you in March!
Mikey G
The answer to the meta is an 8-letter word.
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