126. Tight Spots


Hello hello! Now it's just 12 days until spring training!

We have three more posts to finish off this Winter Solvestice! If you've liked these meta crosswords so far, I'd really appreciate spread the word and telling your puzzle-loving friends to sign up! Note the new sidebar and subscription tool.


1a. Puzzle #124 answer: NELLIE BLY

Correct entries: 64

Shortest explanation: Nine symmetrical entries have a country with extra letter inserted. These inserted letters spell out our globe-trotting meta answer, NELLIE BLY.


1b. Puzzle #125 answer: GROUNDHOG

Correct entries: 59

Shortest explanation: Four hidden animals have initial letters that spell out PHIL. Coupled with the symmetric soundalikes to Punxsutawney, our proximity to February 2, and the fact we're looking for a 9-letter creature, it has to be our beloved GROUNDHOG. Six more weeks of puzzles, please!


2. I overestimated the last puzzle - surprise, surprise. Let's hope this plays as a true Level 1. (And, yes, it was inspired by the challenging WSJ of the same name a while back - this one should be easier!!)

Good luck, and may all your solves be beautiful!

Mikey G

The answer to the meta is a baseball term.

