101. On the Spot


Hello hello! I'm on cloud ten (even more excited than usual) because the Cubbies have been rocking it this past week! They've just won five in a row for only the second time all season and are playing like the team I always knew they could be! Let's keep it going!


1. Puzzle #100 answer: ONE IN A PUNDRED (har har)

Correct entries: 60

Shortest explanation: I can be serious...sometimes! There were only 13 entries in the puzzle that were actually clued as directly and as non-humorously as possible. Those entries' initial letters spell out ONE IN A PUNDRED, the answer to our meta!

To quote a couple of solvers:

"After solving that one, I think I need a meta physical."

"Oh, my. That's just...I can't..."

Sounds about right, hahaha.


2. Well, we have our first hundred in the books and we're onto the next hundred! This one will likely be about Level 2...at least, that's the goal!

Good luck, and may all your solves be beautiful!

Mikey G

The answer to the meta is a title.

