18. Total Mayhem


Puzzlers of the world, welcome! I hope we are having a fantastic May thus far - and I have a puzzle for you below!

I'm always looking at specs, and obviously, the puzzling experience is not necessarily related to that, but I was happy to pull off my first 15-by-15 with 34 squares and five themers! And, as always, if you don't like the theme, pretend it's a themeless! That's my new philosophy, haha.

A super shout-out to Norah, who gave incredible feedback! You can find her puzzles here.

Until next time!

Mikey G


  1. My May was going okay, and now it's even better! Lots of fun! Didn't need to pretend it was themeless, but that is a great philosophy. :D Love the clues for the last 3 themers.

  2. You are too kind - thank you so much!!


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