14. Leading Ladies (Meta 4)
It's the last weekend of the month, which means it's meta time! Links above - and in-site puzzle and submission form are below! A couple of notes:
1. A quick recap of the last one, one of my faves to date:
February answer: TONE
Correct entries: 17
Winners: C=64 (again!!) and Frankie - congrats!!
The four 9-letter entries each have three consecutive letters in a row, which (along with the title) is meant to hearken back to a classic telephone. Using the standard arrangement, DEF = 3, GHI = 4, MNO = 6, and ABC = 2; the four letters in the grid that correspond to those numbers spell TONE, the meta answer!
2. Today's puzzle has a Level of 1 of 5 - so let's strive for a record! And, if you think there's no rhyme or reason to my meta levels...you're absolutely right!!
The answer to the meta is a two-word title.
Happy solving!
Mikey G
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