109. Make Your Mark


Hello hello! The Cubbies are pretty much out of it at this point, so that means it's Broncos time. (Maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up there either.)

We're back on a biweekly schedule for the rest of 2024, but we still have some solid challenges ahead (and liquid and gaseous challenges). Onward!


1. Puzzle #108 answer: THAT'S ALL, FOLKS!

Correct entries: 51

Shortest explanation: Eight across entries start with a Looney Tunes character (note the middle column, which also serves as auditory confirmation!). Those clues' initial letters spell out PORKY PIG, whose apropos three-word phrase THAT'S ALL, FOLKS! was the perfect way to end the Summer of Solves! (The constrained clues for LOON KNEE TUNE all begin with T-A-F, as further confirmation.)


2. Since Super Tester and I have been underestimating the difficulty lately, we'll put this first September challenge at a Level 4. I see it more as Level 3/3.5, but I want to play it safe, haha.

Good luck, and may all your solves be beautiful!

Mikey G

The answer to the meta is a 6-letter word.

